Maggie Reneé, a mezzo-soprano from Los Angeles, California, is a Metropolitan Opera Competition Grand Finalist Award Winner, Saengerbund Awards Winner, Rochester Oratorio Society Emerging Artist Winner, Opera Index Award Winner, Igor Gorin Memorial Award Recipient and an Honors BM and MM graduate of The Juilliard School where she is pursuing her ADOS. This season performances include: Carmen with Music Academy of the West, Carmen with Juilliard Opera, Baba the Turk with Barbara Hannigan’s production of The Rakes Progress with the Swedish Orchestra, and Venus with Vienna Volksoper. This past summer at Des Moines Opera she covered Carmen and sang Nicolette in The Love for Three Oranges. Last season she sang Irene in Atalanta at Juilliard, Zweiter Knabe at Merola, and Baba the Turk at Juilliard Opera. Maggie Reneé writes her own music, has a black belt in Karate, and entertains over 285,000 of her subscribers on her YouTube channels daily.